• Fibre Notes - Handspinning - Spinning Projects

    Fibre Notes: March 2020

    March has been a bit rough, hasn’t it? I know a lot of people are struggling. I’m fortunate enough to work from home on the regular, so in terms of states of emergency and distancing there hasn’t been too much disruption for me that way. Some of what I do in my regular job is limited because certain businesses are…

  • Fibre Notes - Handspinning - Spinning Projects

    Fibre Notes: February 2020

    February can be hard. Or at least, it’s a hard month here in Central Alberta. We are so close to spring, but it’s still cold. And we’ve been looking at snow for months. And for the love of god, can I just see a little green again?! You might have guessed, I’m not really a winter person. I grew up…

  • Fibre Notes - Handspinning - Spinning Projects

    Fibre Notes: January 2020

    For my inaugural monthly Fibre Notes, January has been all about 51 Yarns (and playing catch up). 51 Yarns is a book written by Jacey Boggs Faulkner, and published by Ply magazine. Beginning in January of 2019 I began an epic spin-a-long with many other folks in the Wool ‘N Spinning community. At a rate of 2-3 new yarns a…

  • Fibre Notes - Handspinning - Spinning Projects

    Fibre Notes

    In a discussion in the Wool ‘N Spinning slack group, there’s a lot of planning going down in making in 2020. There are some truly inspiring projects planned – from make nines to 20 in 2020. It got me thinking quite a bit, and reflecting on how I work. I think my method can be best called organized chaos. I…