
Happy Holidays from Dominion F&F

I wanted to take a quick moment to wish all of you a very happy holidays. No matter what you celebrate, I want to wish you the very best of the season, and many happy tidings for the New Year.

Take this season to spend some time with friends, family, and loved ones. Relax, and take some time for yourself. Sip that hot apple cider, indulge in a few treats, and just enjoy yourself.

I’ll be taking some time this season for my annual knit-something-just-for-me project. This year I’m using handspun I made out of a fleece I grabbed earlier in the year, and knitting Juniper by Ash Alberg. This will be my first handspun sweater I’ve ever knit, and I’m insanely excited. I’m so proud of this yarn, and proud that this sweater will be completely, 100% from raw to finished.

That’s really why I created this little shop – so I could share that experience with you, and I hope all of you who have gotten wools from the shop this year are merrily working away on your projects, made with fibres you know have been responsibly and lovingly grown by the farmers in Alberta.

I have plans for 2019. I’ve been getting really elbow deep in my designing again, and I’m hoping to bring that more harmoniously in line with my work here at Dominion F&F. I have all sorts of ideas for patterns made specifically for handspun yarn that I’m excited to share with you.

I also have plans for the fibre here in the shop, and in the new year, I’m hoping to be able to offer a much larger selection of washed wools. But not only that – I’m hoping to be able to offer you prepped wools, all 100% Alberta raised and processed (stay tuned).

I also be offering whole fleeces as an option come spring – stay tuned for that announcement with how to get your own fleece in 2019.

That’s a lot of “stay tuned”, I know. Think of it as a tiny teaser for what 2019 will bring this little shop. But, in the mean time, kick back, spin those wheels and spindles, and enjoy this time.

May this season be merry, bright, and full of love for you and yours.