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The Future of Dominion F&F (Or Read About Me Thinking Out Loud)

Hello all! I know, I know – it’s been exceedingly quiet. I’ve been thinking a lot about Dominion Fleece & Fibre and what and how it’ll move forward to be in the future.

The root of it is, I just don’t have time in the spring to visit half a dozen to a dozen farms, skirt, photograph, itemize, list, and package a bunch of fibre these days. Do I hope to have more time for that again in the future? Absolutely. Will it be within the next few years? Likely not. But that doesn’t mean I want Dominion to disappear. In fact, I actively do not, and I am still in touch with a few fibre producers here in the province that I desperately want to keep buying fibre from.

That being said, it’s a time issue. When I do have a bit more time (now that we’re approaching toddlerhood with my little nugget), I spend that time carefully. I’ve become really good at doling out my time when I have it, but it still isn’t a lot. I’ve found a lot of joy in getting back to making things again; spinning, sewing, quilting, even dabbling in linocut which I haven’t done in many years.

I have big plans for dyeing this summer too since I didn’t get a chance to this year and my stock pile of naturally dyed fabrics has dwindled.

And when I think about it, I don’t really want to spend what limited time I have skirting. Especially because I know it’ll take me way longer than I think it will, which means no site updates until mid to late summer for wool, etc. I just don’t see Dominion working in the capacity it did.

So, what does that mean, you say? I don’t know, in all honesty. I’m going to see where the wind takes me in relation to this site, or a shop. I’ve toyed with the idea of selling textiles in the future, but I don’t know if that’ll actually happen. Stay tuned, I suppose!