
Quickie Shop Update

Happy autumn spinners and fibre artists!

I know, I know. This blog has been a little bit quiet. There’s been some life changes going on behind the scenes; exciting ones, but because I’m inherently a private person, it’s not something I’ll be going into online. It does mean my own personal making slowed down for a bit, hence the missing of September and October Fibre Notes. Things will be topsy turvy for a bit, which means my monthly fibre notes might be more sporadic. It also means the blog in general might be a little quieter.

Having said that, yes I’m still here and I’m still shipping. Anything listed in stock will go out within the standard 3-5 business days. During the pandemic I’ve slowed down shipping to be one to two times a week, and it’ll stay that way for the foreseeable future. It also means I will continue not doing local pick up for those in Edmonton (sorry everybody, I know a few of you have asked).

Having said all that, the next batch of wool – Icelandic to be precise – is headed off to the mill imminently. I’ll definitely have roving, and hopefully a nice selection of a mid-grey and naturally dyed DK weight to share with you in the new year.

I still do have some Cheviot left, although not a ton. Anything that says “add to cart” underneath is in stock, anything that says “read more” is not (I’m trying to figure out how to make that more obvious, but you know, priorities…).

Any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me via the form.